Mackinac Island Must-Do's

Life can get busy sometimes. It's important to sit back and enjoy the simple things in life every once in a while. A stroll by the water, a home-cooked meal, or a nice chat with a friend on the front porch.

Luckily, Mackinac Island on Lake Huron in Michigan keeps the allure of the "simple life" alive. This mostly comes from the island's ban on cars, but there are plenty of other reasons why Mackinac Island is one of the most enchanting yet simplistic places you'll ever visit! Here they are:

Horse and Buggies

Image Source: Grand Hotel

Image Source: Grand Hotel

Is there anything more romanticized than a ride in a horse-drawn carriage? On the island, that's one of the only ways to really get around besides walking and riding a bike.


Image Source: Mackinac Island Tourism Bureau

Image Source: Mackinac Island Tourism Bureau

Mackinac Island also prides itself on its wonderful hospitality. The food, the service, the atmosphere. It's all informal, yet very elegant! Everyone is sure to feel at home here.



While it may seem like this was a place dreamed up by Walt Disney himself, Mackinac Island is actually very rich in history. Visitors can tour Fort Mackinac, a former British and American military outpost, or visit one of the many museums available.

Have you ever been to Mackinac Island? What do you think makes it so special?